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Image by Gabriel Velasanta

Hello plant lovers...

I'm Linda Crider, and I have been loving, studying, and healing with plants for several decades. 

  • As a Bach Flower Registered Practitioner (BFRP), I work with how the frequencies of plants can raise our vibrations for emotional healing.

  • As a trained herbalist, I teach plant medicine classes at several campuses of the Maricopa Community College District in Arizona.

  • And I'm a recent graduate of a one year Temple Keeper Apprentice program taught by Elizabeth Seraphine, founder of The Priestess Path Lineages of Light® Mystery School where I have been trained in the core practices of western shamanism.

I have discovered that the missing piece to my work was in not considering the spirits of the plants or "devas," as they are called in some parts of the world.  So I have now begun to explore this important aspect, and I invite you to journey with me as I travel  on this path to learn how the plant world is willing share its wisdom and help us heal ourselves and the earth we all live on.


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