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Writer's pictureLinda Crider

New Moon Card for June: Chamomile

If you are among those who are drawn to herbal remedies, chances are that you’ve enjoyed a cup of Chamomile tea to wind down after a stressful day.  I would go so far as to say that it’s one of the most widely known of the herbs touted for such a relaxing action.  Chamomile has the added benefit of a mild, pleasant taste and apple-like aroma which adds to its popularity.  Adriana Ayales, creator of the oracle deck I’m using in this series tells us that “on a soul level, Chamomile flowers assist us in releasing stored emotional tension from our stomach, nervous system and solar plexus”. 

I also have a personal reason to make such a celebrated herb the star of June's plant medicine chat.

This year, I decided that my planting focus would be growing medicinal herbs, and Chamomile is among those now sharing one of my garden boxes with the thriving perennials, Rosemary and Fennel.  I’ve planted Chamomile in the past, but for some reason, it was never happy enough to grow beyond sprouting a few flowers. I was never sure whether this was due to a poor location, too much intense Arizona sun or too little water. 

But now that I’m more aware of the spiritual dimension of plants, I’ve learned that there is wisdom that goes deeper than anything you might find in a how-to gardening book or website.  Using the special tools that I've been taught, I can ask for insights from the spirit of this lovely herb and receive other perspectives.

To begin with, I planted my seedlings with a different approach than in past years.  After mixing in newly fertilized soil and digging a spot, I removed each small plant from its temporary container with less haste and more reverence.  I then held it to my heart and quietly assured each that I would give it the best care and, most importantly, promised to use its healing medicine in a way that would benefit others.

Here’s a close look at my baby Chamomile in her new home. At this time she's only about six inches wide.

The sun exposure in my yard allows for intense light most of the day, and for now, she seems content to be in a place where there is a lot of sun along with some shade from a nearby tree.

This year’s plan also includes a meditation that would connect me to the spirit of each of the herbs after I have planted them.  This is done with the hope of receiving any wisdom that the spirits are willing to share.  Because I have direct contact with these specific plants, I’m able to first spend time just being with each herb for a few minutes before going into a meditative state. This functioned as a "heads up" that I'll be going a little deeper.

During my meditation, I was rewarded with an enthusiastic welcome. I've found that plant spirits show themselves in different forms. The ones that appeared with this particular Chamomile plant presented as many tiny beings that looked and acted like something between dancing fairies and fluttering dragon flies. There was a larger one who seemed to "speak" for all of them.

I was assured that they all felt and appreciated the love and good intentions expressed when they were planted.

When I asked for anything they wanted me to share, I was told that very young plants are like very young children--they tend to be self centered because they need to focus most of their energy on themselves and their growth. I was invited to visit the same plant in the future when it matured and had lived long enough to have wisdom they wanted to share. But I was told that the Chamomile plant is meant to not only relax people, but to make them smile, not just with an outward expression, but with one that they can really "feel." Then I got the message that I needed to drink a cup of tea and keep this in mind myself.

Well, immediately after this meditation, I followed their advice. I have a large and diverse tea collection, but didn't know if I had any Chamomile on hand. After a brief search, sure enough...I found my last two Honey Vanilla Chamomile tea bags and brewed a cup of tea to drink while I made notes in my journal. The entire experience was quite uplifting! I can also tell you that the cooled tea bags work great as an eye treatment. And I just happened to have two of them.

With all that in mind, let me bring your attention back to the picture on the card. Notice that the sub heading reads “Inner Peace,” something the slumbering figure appears to be enjoying. Ayales equates the energy of Chamomile to that of the deer which is also gentle and radiates both innocence and calm. Our internal and external realities can make the state of inner peace seem elusive at times, but it’s been reassuring to learn that the plant world gives us the support and encouragement to know that serenity is worth seeking and possible to reach.

I can personally vouch for this.

Chamomile works its magic by healing on all levels. The visual beauty and essence of its whimsical, daisy-like flowers help to restore mental, emotional and spiritual harmony while the extracted medicine can be equally soothing to the physical body.


As always, thanks for letting me share my thoughts and journey with you. If you are interested in booking a personal session, you can do this here:

You can also contact me via email at:

For now, here's wishing you wellness, wisdom and bloomin' vibes!


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Laura Runner79
Laura Runner79
07 de jun.
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Great article!

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